Saturday, June 5, 2010

Is appearance important?

APPEARance is exactly the image you appear to others which lead to them having some thoughts and hence creating an image of you in them. "DUH"

Ever count how many times u looked into your own reflections in a day? I always tried to do the counting.. like..
wakes up ..walk to mirror.. count of 1
brush teeth..look at mirror.. count of 2
go toilet..look at mirror.. count of 3
out from toilet.. look at mirror.. count of 4
back in room.. stare into the mirror.. count of 5
get dress up.. look into the mirror again.. count of 6
apply facial products/lip bump/gloss.. look at mirror.. count of 7
before leave room..look at mirror..count of 8
before entering the car.. see own reflections.. count of 9
in the car..look at mirror.. bla bla..
bla bla..
mirror mirror
then i lost count.

Next day i reset and do the countings again. Then i lost count again. Forget it!

Yes indeed. Appearance is hell important. Caring for your appearance is like caring about what,how,where,which,when and who you appear to be. Most people tend to think that having physically good looks will make the best appearance. Well, this is actually a fact, but are you going to penalized those that are not in the category?

Whoever you are, or how you probably look like physically, really doesnt matter. Cause appearance is not plainly THE LOOKS, but is what,how,where,which,when and who you are and behave to be.

Having the good looks is an advantage but it definitely won't award you the best appearance each time, it is the attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others and create a good impression in them. A nice appearance should be created with own formulations ( imagine blending jennifer anniston's beauty with einstein's brain, lol..dream on? ) or by wearing desirable masks (either anniston or einstein, depending on situation). How I also wish that things are as easy as gulping the formulated drinks or changing a wardrobe of masks every day.

SO just appear, as who you wish to appear: Build your own charisma, shape your own personality, establish your own charm, and make the best appearance!