Thursday, December 11, 2008


time flies. it seemed like everything were just yesterday. encore. yesterday once more?

22years ago i was brought alive, being introduced to this earth, was dropped above peninsular msia, landed exactly in an island called Penang( luckily i used parachute, or what if i were to overshot this tiny island and step into thailand instead?) , popped out from the tummy of mdm chong in Adventist Hosp..and seconds later a chubby baby is seen in the arms of a foreigner gynae-i have a good memory...lolx

5th dec - thnx to all my dearest pals for all the wishes. i appreciate them a lot, tho being a year older isn't something glamour to be celebrated. however, it is the day to express my gratitude to the Lord for marking me as one of His warrior to spread His gospel on this earth. SO let's celebrate~~

tagged: LCL

Hydrocarbon sharing oxygen with me in redbox

Unable to get jessica alba's shot

10th dec- had a real tough time thinking abt the deserving fats to be consumed for dinner. suggestions like bbq chicken, sushi king, nandos, chilies, manhattan, chu char, seafood,... were brought up but werent agreed totally by the demando's. haiyooo who is so demanding..??. lolz
FInally.. and filled with satisfaction...

Jenny munching Jenny's chocolate cake

These cakes are definitely much better than what i got 5 days ago.
Nostalgia... cakes in exchange for a burger?

awesome 2008 is coming to an end. Nostalgia? probably. Look forward, gal. (hou sam fen shou)
But i have yet to celebrate this month.

Gals: December... end it wonderfuly.. end it charmingly..end it perfectly...

you: cos i know i will have a fabulous 2009 start in kl? lolx...


Anonymous said...

me:I'm looking forward to see you again in KL and hope v can have a good start !!!


jennyCKN said...

well good starting and ending are alwis determined by human themself. Great outcomes and amazing results will follow if effort is showered. lolx.

-Cheers for now-

chenglit said...

Someone is faster than me. Sob sob.

Im glad to be part or it. Anyway, let paint the town RED! Cheers 2008. Though the accompaniment is abit different this time but is til awesome wit my gals.
Nee i totally agree with u, the first cake was lousy. Luckily, someone is demanding enough, so v can have another cheese n chocolate cakes as compensation. =p

jennyCKN said...

ahaha i may be faster...but believe it, among us gals, you definitely is not the slowest...lolx.

p/s: unless she is considering for german citizzenship

Anonymous said...

i love least germany is better than living with those barbarians.

though i am the slowest here. who cares? better than never right?

one more thing, why do you put my pic so ugly? u scared i steal ur kengtau hor...hehe..^ neway. it's NOSTALGIC..

Anonymous said...

btw why RED?

jennyCKN said...

i think nostalgia is more suitable..who is blogging here?

chenglit said...

why not nostalgia. That is my suggestion okie?

Nostalgic is only a way of showing feeling of nostalgia.

jennyCKN said...

ok noted. cheng... respect this HIGH BAND 5 ok....

chenglit said...

ishhhh.. sarcastic betul.