Sunday, November 22, 2009

A getaway for me, please?

I need a break from this hectic semester. Is a huge suffer to my brain n my heart, living in agony for the past months. Moving forward in this manner will definitely lead to brain cancer and heart attack. Health is wealth. I absolutely concede.

I need a getaway.

I can't wait to bungkus my fyp in a messy wrapper and tie it untidily with a string or rope -anything i can find from the lab, no matter how it is going to look, i just want to wrap it fast. As fast as i could and as long as it is wrapped, cause..

I need a getaway.

I wanna go home!!! see my family, the girls and lexus. I can't wait to go taiwan with my beloved gals and coursemates!!! I've bought my luggage bag today, create more of the excitement already.

I need a getaway.

I promise to unlace the strings and release the packaging the moment i return from taiwan, after settling down in upm. I will make the best wrapper and enfold all of it together, trim the ribbons, decorate it and finally, bind it so that it's going to look so good and charming from the outside, and so exquisite from the inside.

In short, i'll try my best to hit an A, i say it, i mean it, i do it.... they give it. =)

As for now, I need a getaway.


cwj said...

lets go movie!

suding said...

CKN, your confident is impressive! keep it up.